trac.prefs.api – Trac Administration panels

Primary interface for managing preference panels (tabs).


class trac.prefs.api.IPreferencePanelProvider

Bases: trac.core.Interface

Provides panels for managing user preferences.

See also trac.prefs.api.IPreferencePanelProvider extension point


Return a list of available preference panels.

The items returned by this function must be tuple of the form (panel, label), or (panel, label, parent_panel) for child panels.

render_preference_panel(req, panel)

Process a request for a preference panel.

This function should return a tuple of the form (template, data), where template is the name of the template to use and data is the data used when rendering the template.


When a plugin wants to use a legacy Genshi template instead of a Jinja2 template, it needs to return instead a triple of the form (template, data, None), similar to what IRequestHandler.process_request does.